Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Another case of "What in the world was I thinking?"

I've been looking around for awhile for a chair that I could use when I'm taking pictures. Something vintage/retro old fashioned with some cool character. Yesterday I drug the kids into the Goodwill store and after admiring a chair that had potential (that was $70 - wait, I'm in a thrift store right???)

I saw this baby as we were leaving the store. I LOVE it. I love all of the tufting and the buttons. I even kinda like the color, but wouldn't ever want my kids to sit on that nastiness. In a moment of insanity, I thought I could possibly do the kind of magic that my mother could do with recovering chairs and I bought it. For a whopping $8.

Then I drug the kids to the fabric store and bought some beautiful red fabric. I brought it home and started to pull it apart and what I discovered is that I might have a potential disaster on my hands. However, I am determined to turn it into something beautiful, if for no other reason, than to know that I don't have another unfinished project sitting in my basement. I figure if all else fails, I'll have to have my mom guide me while on the video cam through Skype.

tufting love

Poor worn out baby

steal deal


Shilo said...

Great bones! You know I can't wait to see what you come up with! :) Especially if it is red!

Todd and Julie said...

Way to go, Jen! You are much braver than I -- hope it turns out great!