Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

life rule #7

try not to be a snot to people simply because I am frustrated with someone or because it feels good to let someone have it.  it sure feels like crap when you are on the receiving end.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

winter update

You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace.  Isaiah 55:12

I know you are probably thinking, “I just got a newsletter from the Schwabs last month.  Why are they sending me another one?  They must be spending their kids’ inheritance on postage.” Which would be partly true.  We did just send you a newsletter, but we’ve got new news and it isn’t going to be what you think it is, so keep reading!  

Because we can’t resist an adventure

God must have been chuckling when I wrote that as the title of our last newsletter.  Wouldn’t you know it, He had a huge adventure waiting for us just around the corner.  Something totally NOT on our radar screen!

Jason and I attended a marriage conference outside of Seattle in the middle of November.  After the conference we were feeling renewed and united in our marriage and our ministry.  The day after we got home we received an e-mail from the chief pilot in the Philippines.   

Would we consider coming to fly in the Philippines for a year? 

It went on to say that the flight program needs a pilot to cover the island of Palawan while the family there returned to the States for their furlough.  The pilot who was scheduled to relieve them has been delayed for about a year which would severely inhibit the church planting works in the tribal locations.  

At this point in the story, I just have to declare God’s goodness.  The fact that my first response was excitement about going back to the Philippines is a testament to the power of healing and grace that He has showered out in my life in the last year (even if initially it was for something as shallow as being near a beach and in the sun—hey, you’ve got to give a northwest girl a break!). 

As Jason and I talked through the opportunity, our excitement grew.  Even though we could think of things that could be difficult, like getting our house rented out and the possibility of homeschooling (insert ‘deer in the headlight’ stare from me), we weren’t able to come up with a single reason why we would not pursue wholeheartedly the chance to go back.  Even the kids are ready to go!

We would be going back to the island we left, where Jason flew and already knows the airstrips and we know the town.  We would be able to live in the house and borrow the car of the family that we will be relieving.  We feel like it would be an amazing experience for our kids to see what life outside of the States is like and to see what we do as  missionaries overseas.  Jason would be back in the pilot seat.  We are hoping that it is even an encouragement to the students in the Moody program to see us willing to serve again in the Philippines.  There are so many things to be thankful for. 

We feel like going back will be another step towards proclaiming healing in our family.  We love the thought of going back full of life and power and ready to be an encouragement to those we will work with, which is such a contrast to the brokenness and emptiness we left the field with 5 years ago.

Besides benefiting us personally, our ability to serve there for a year is extremely important to the work in the various tribal areas that is currently going on in Palawan.  One team has JUST started teaching through the Bible and would not be able to remain in their village without flight support.  Being pulled out of their location at this point in the teaching would be detrimental to the years of work that have led up to this exciting point in their ministry.  One of the tribal ministries that has been on Palawan for the last 20 years will be printing and delivering the first copies of the translated Bible to the tribe for the first time.  They need flight service to get the Bibles into the tribe and continue discipleship.  In January of 2013, a team will be moving into a new tribal location to start their ministry.  This requires the use of the airplane and their start date would be delayed without flight service available to them.  We are NEEDED and we are willing! 

Can you tell we are excited?!

fall update

The annual “Big Trip” from Jason

 One of the highlights of the program here at Moody Aviation is the Extended Cross Country project.  I’ve gone with the students the past several years and this year I was entrusted with leading the group.  This gave me a great perspective of how each person responds to the trip and all the learning opportunities there were along the way.  We took them on an 11 day loop of the western U.S. which included flights in busy airspace (San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Salt Lake City), navigation in unfamiliar areas, mountain flying in Utah & Idaho, and plenty of character building as we spend all day every day  together. 
The trip provides application of the principles they’ve learned and deepens their experience level with the benefit of supervision rather than jumping into the deep end once they’re on their own.  Each student returned from the trip thankful for the experience and all it taught them.  I really enjoyed pointing out to them how great it is to be a part of the body of Christ as we interacted with people along the way.  A highlight of the trip was our stop in Salt Lake City where we stayed with gracious supporters and visited Southeast Christian Church.  Thanks so much for being a part of our ministry!

Because we can’t resist adventure from Jen

I’d like to think that we’re fairly adventurous people.  In the 11 years that we’ve been married, we’ve had our fair share.  This summer our latest adventures took us, along with the Schwab clan, to Glacier National Park and Yellowstone for a fabulous family vacation.  Adventure is the Schwab family’s middle name so there was lots of fun to be had! 

Last year I took  a flying leap off of a cliff and started a photography business.  Adventure is my middle name too even though I only married into the Schwab family.  It has been a really rewarding year and one of learning to set boundaries, trying out new ideas, getting taken advantage of, meeting new people, and having lots of fun.  I’ve been so thankful to be able to have a creative outlet.  It makes me feel like I finally fit into my side of the family, whose middle name happens to be Art!

Lately we feel like God has been calling us to a new adventure.  It has been an adventure that has been in the works of my heart since I was in 6th grade and my aunt got the call that she could go and pick up her precious little boy from the hospital.   It’s been a calling that has been a point of discussion since Jason and I met.  It has been a source of heartache and frustration as it seemed it was never the right time over the last few years. But the time is here.  Now.  Finally. 


After years and years of thinking and dreaming about it, I had completely given up on us ever adding to our family.  I started a business last year because I knew that both of our kids were going to be in school full time this year and I had transitioned in my mind to being a mom with time on her hands.  So when Jason came to me this spring and said now is the time, I resisted.  I was done changing diapers.  I was done with high chairs and Cheerios on the floor.  No way.  But this summer the Lord has been picking away at my heart.  Revealing my selfishness.  Challenging me with the bigger picture of who He wants our family to be. Inviting me to be a partaker in His faithfulness.  So I considered.  Then, I said only if we could bring 2 kids home.  Jason agreed.  The kids are stoked.  Things will never be the same.

The subject of adoption didn’t just bring up concerns about car seats and sippy cups though.  How could we possibly raise the money to bring 2 kids home?  How will we be able to support a family of 6?  How?  How?  How? 

God keeps whispering this word in my ear.  Faithful.  Faithful.  Faithful.  You will find Me faithful. 

“I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make known your faithfulness to all generations.”  Ps 89:1
This decision will change the fates of generations.  My heart’s cry is that generations of Schwabs will be singing of His love and faithfulness. 

We think we have an advantage in being in missions the last 10 years.  We have seen God’s faithfulness over and over again.  We can look to His faithfulness every month when he provides us, through you, the money to pay our rent and buy our groceries.  I know that if, after 13 years of talking about adoption, He could get Jason and I to the place where we both said “Yes Lord” that the money to bring home 2 kids and provide for them will be easy and nothing more than a drop in the bucket to Him who is able.  Faithful.   

I’ve spent the last few weeks writing adoption agencies. Looking at one country and then the next.  Looking at houses that would be better able to accommodate a family of 6.  I feel like my head is going to spin off of my body.  Yesterday I managed to lock myself out of the house and then lock myself into the back yard.  My hero had to come rescue me.  Thank goodness my kids are in school because I would probably accidentally leave them in Target on a trip to buy toilet paper.  Things feel a bit like I’m in the middle of a whirlwind right now. But that whisper just keeps coming.  Faithful.  Faithful. Faithful. 

 Are you excited?  We are.  Do you hear the whisper?  Get ready for the adventure.

In with the new

Can't believe it's been a year since I last posted.  Lots of news for us.  Time to start writing again.