Tuesday, May 08, 2012

like pulling off a band aid

Over one week on the road done, just under two to go.  While traveling and getting to see family and friends has been great, the time since we left Spokane has seemed like a wonderful necessary evil. The good-bad.  The slow-fast.  The short-long distance. Hurry up and wait.

It has been like pulling off a band aid really slowly.  Personally I'm a rip it right off kind of gal.  Peeeeel sloooooow. One hair at a time.  Get me on the dang airplane already.  The kids are going crazy.  Two hours of Mirielle crying last night.  Kids up in the middle of the night.  Sick.  Crying.  Homesick.

God keeps reminding me.  It's about finding joy in the middle.  Even when I'm on the plane, it will still be part of the middle.  The middle of something. The middle of my life.  Find Him in the middle.

It's how we missed so much of our married life together.  Always waiting to get somewhere. Waiting to arrive.   So today is about being in the here and now.  Enjoying grabbing a cup of coffee with my mom.  Lunch with my dad.  Reading a story before bed to the kids.  A quiet night with Jas.  A pool and a warm day waiting for me tomorrow.  And fish tacos.  And my wonderful aunt who knows I love fish tacos.

So many blessings to enjoy.

Peel on band aid, peel on.


Shilo said...

That was beautiful. Truly!

Grandma V said...

Yup - it's all in the waiting. You're open and God is showing you.....it's a beautiful thing!