Friday, January 30, 2009

Bike Man

This story gave my mom a good laugh so I thought I would share.

My man likes to ride his bike.


He was a biking maniac when we first met. He was a lean mean biking machine. One of our first dates was a picnic and I panicked at not knowing what kind of food to pack - no chips, no pop, no cookies? Maybe just a sandwich on whole wheat and an apple? Oh how I've corrupted him since then. Anyways, back to my story.

He bought a new road bike a few months ago so that he could ride his bike to work for the, oh - 3 months out of the year that it is nice up here.

He recently decided that he and 2 other friends are going to do a Seattle to Portland bike trip in July. This is a one day, 12+ hour bike trip. I though he was crazy, but I encouraged him thinking that it would be good for his health, good for his state of mind, give him something to look forward to and would be something that he would really enjoy.

So just this week he informs me that he is going to have to start training. So far he has been riding the exercise bike while we watch Biggest Looser (while I sit on the couch and eat ice cream) and the Office. So I get the needing to train part.

He proceeds to tell me that pretty soon he is going to have to start taking 5+ hour bike trips on Saturday mornings. I'm secretly wondering if he left that part out on purpose. I'm thinking that is a lot of Saturday mornings by myself. I mean with the kids.

So I started mulling this scenario over and this is what I came up with to even out the score. Once he does his ride in July, I'm going to start training for a marathon. A SHOPPING marathon. Every Saturday morning I am going to train, BY MYSELF, for 5+ hours (and probably a couple of hours during the week too) from July till maybe December. Then in December I'm going to put all of that training into practice and do a weekend shopping marathon. Maybe I'll go from Seattle to Portland too. Doesn't that sound delightful??

Too bad it won't actually happen. I thought that it was a pretty good idea though. A pretty good trade off. Maybe I should look for sponsors.......


Shilo said...

You are too funny! I have always loved your sense of humor!
Let me know when you start training! I want in on that marathon too! :)

Grandpa and Grandma AZ said...

I'm still laughing - and I think that I should be the first of many who commmit to being a sponsor! :)

Sara Weber said...

I think it's a fantastic idea. Are you going to start your training when you come out? I'd be glad to help, but Davina already has a gold medal (much to Mike's dismay ;)). You should ask her for pointers.
I can't wait to see you!

Sarah said...

Hi Jen! I saw a link to your blog and am so glad I did because I haven't laughed this hard in a LONG time. You crack me up! (And just know that you aren't the only one who sits on the couch eating ice cream during the Biggest Loser...) ;-)

Kate said...

Go for it. Start saving now for the shopping.