Wednesday, January 07, 2009

December Recap

This year December seemed to fly by and now that it is January, I feel like I somehow missed the fullness of it. Last year, between spending my first Christmas in my own home, experiencing my first winter living in snow, and trying to capture it all in my Daily December posts, December seemed full, wonderful actually. This year it seemed like a blur. Welcome to reality I guess!

Here is a brief recap of December

Kellan and Mirielle painting Christmas ornaments
Mirielle had a great time visiting Santa again this year. Kellan on the other hand refused to even look at him. He had just woken up from a nap in the car, which I suspect had something to do with the grouchy mood. Not even a candy cane could convince him to climb up on Santa's lap.
Sledding in the front yard. This December was the snowiest December on record. Great for a white Christmas, not so fun when you have to shovel it.

I decided that breakfast out on Christmas Eve is a new Schwab tradition. Breakfast at Rockwood Bakery is my favorite. They have the best pastries EVER!

Me, the lazy eye and dear sweet hubby

After breakfast, we tried to take some pictures at the park with all of the glorious snow. The kids weren't too cooperative. I'm guessing they probably had too much sugar pulsing through their veins to behave.


Shilo said...

Ah, I'm so glad you're a fellow Rockwood Bakery fan! Such an awesome place!
Love your green coat and the pic of the kids with Grandma under the arches.
Oh, and Brad would wholeheartedly agree with the shoveling thing! :)
Love ya!

The Smith Family said...

I want to see pics of them Christmas morning and opening gifts! :)

Sara Weber said...

I love when you blog to see your pictures and your stories. I agree that doing the Daily December, though a LOT of work, made me appreciate something each day.
We also have the tradition of breakfast out on December 24th, but for us it's Tony's Birthday Breakfast. :)