Monday, April 13, 2009

Let's have a good laugh

Bike Man is on a ride right now and the kids are watching a movie, so I thought I would take this opportunity to post some pictures of my new haircut. I normally would not post so many pictures of myself here, or anywhere for that matter, but I though that we could all use a good laugh!

I'm so lucky, I think I got 2 haircuts for the price of 1 - one haircut on each side of my head! Here is the evidence: I'm feeling a little lopsided! One side long and flat, the other side short and round. I know my hair lays totally different on the two sides, but still!
I am my mother!

I just like this picture because it makes me look like I have an incredibly skinny neck, either that or an incredibly gigantic head!
Can you see it? One side is longer than the other. This is after I trimmed it twice.

The good news is that after I fix it, it appears somewhat even. SO I'm not sure if the girl cut it like this on purpose because the picture I showed her of the haircut I wanted had one side tucked behind the ear. Jen Pyle would you like to weigh in on this? The bad news is that I have to tuck it behind my ear or I look pretty funny!

The after I fix it in the morning shots:

Man, do I have a lazy eye or what!!

I actually like the cut. Or most of it. It is shorter in the front than and longer in the back which makes me feel like a total dork. The style right now is still longer in the front, right? Which brings me to a discussion I had with my dad on the phone as I was driving back from the haircut...
Dad: What are you doing?
Me: I just got my haircut
Dad: You didn't get it cut the same as when you were in AZ did you?
Me: Like what? Shorter in the back and longer in the front?
Dad: Yeah
Me: Dad, that's the style
Dad: Oh
Me: What, you didn't like my hair?!
Dad: (silence)
And then later that night, Jason tried to approach the subject as tactfully as he could
Jas: So, do you like your new haircut?
Me: I think I'm going to have to get used to it
Jas: Did you like it better when it was longer?
Me: I think so, how about you?
Jas: Yeah, me too
Now that I'm getting used to it, I really would just like it an inch longer on the short side. We'll have to see what happens next!!


Shilo said...

Hot mama! :) You look great regardless, but I DO KNOW how frustrating that is to have a haircut that drives you crazy. :)

Unknown said...

I love the haircut!! Cute!!

Margo said...

I like the cut! Never ask your dad or husband how they like your hair: they will always disagree with you and each other! :)